2     |     3 tr2 D# C#
  • B foot
  • Split E mechanism
  • Unconventional fingering
Acoustic Model Z(f)
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NOTE Pitches are only approximate - actual pitches depend on your embouchure and blowing speed, the type of flute, key adjustments and temperature.

Playable Notes    Explain: Notes and keys | Icons
Note Playability
1. D#5 plus 0 cents
2. D#6 minus 45 cents
3. D7 minus 5 cents
Multiphonic Possibilities    Explain: Notes and keys | Icons


User Comments
Flute - Muramatsu EX
Playing level - Advanced
Note(s) - F7

Noticeably flat, but very playable, and thus ideal for short staccato passages when one is often inclined to play sharp anyway.

The Virtual Flute © 2001-2014 Andrew Botros